When it comes to Mavs Fanatic, there is only one thing I regret. I hate the fact that I started this website/blog/outlet post-championship. When the Dallas Mavericks won back in June of 2011, I decided to start something on my own. What it became still blows my mind to this day.
I have always been a fan of writing and sports. My Dad and little brother enjoy hashing all of the topics regarding sports every time we are around one another, so I started to think about writing about my thoughts and opinions on everything sports, which brings me to this beautiful thing I started up – Mavs Fanatic.
I started a Twitter account and began to just post little blurbs about what I was thinking in regards to the Dallas Mavericks. Fans took notice and chimed in. My current Mavs Fanatic partner, Damian Jackson, reached out to me and wanted to join along for the ride. We really worked together to gain the attention of Mavericks fans from all over, via Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.
Fast forward 4 years, a large social media following, and 12 staff members, this has truly turned in to something special, and we have all of the MFFL’s everywhere to thank for it. We have formed an amazing relationship with members of the Dallas Mavericks organization, which allows us to really provide the coverage that we know Mavericks fans are wanting. To this day, Damian and myself are still blown away by everyone that has followed us over the years.
While it’s true that the 2015-2016 season is a wrap, we are just getting started here at Mavs Fanatic. We look to continue to provide the best coverage possible throughout the off-season and into the future. I am so proud of what this has become, and I value the support of the Dallas Mavericks and all of their fans everywhere.
The season may be over, but watching the team that took the court over the last couple of months, one thing is for sure: We should be proud to be MFFL’s. We get to watch this team overcome adversity, and give it their all night in and night out. Just as we should be proud of them, I can guarantee that the players are proud as well – proud to have the support of this amazing fan base, just like we are proud to have as well!
Thank you #MFFL’s!

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