In the upcoming Chris Paul sweepstakes, the Los Angeles Clippers may have taken a huge blow in the fight. That fight isn’t even supposed to start until June 30th.
According to sources, Chris Paul is angry with the organization for making him out to be the lone reason for the firing of Vinny Del Negro last week.
“He’s angry right now and his anger is directed toward the Clippers organization,” the source said. “Chris is a man of principle and if he feels like you’ve gone against his principles, it will affect how he feels about you. He’s very agitated that his name has been put out there as the reason for Vinny’s firing. He had nothing to do with it.”
This is fantastic news for all Mavericks fans out there. What this means for the Mavericks pursuit of Paul is unknown at this time, but it certainly doesn’t hurt. The Dallas Mavericks organization has never really ran into anything of this nature, and that’s one of the categories that favor the Mavericks in this chase.
When things got shaky with Lamar Odom, Cuban and Mavs management could’ve really made things public and fired back. Instead they chose to take the high road and grant Odom his freedom. When the Delonte West fiasco came about, management once again handled it like a top notch organization would.
Chris Paul wants to go to an organization where he can win, but more importantly one that he can trust is moving in the right direction with him. The Los Angeles Clippers organization must have missed that memo. Look, it’s May 31st, and there is quite a bit of time before decisions will need to be made, so it’s all hear say at the moment. The Clippers should take a note from the Mavericks book. It’s better to keep things in house then to let your dirty laundry pile up for all of the public to see.
What Does This Mean For Mavs Summer Plans
It’s also been rumored that because of all these recent developments, Paul would be willing to sign a deal for less than the max, or even do a sign and trade for the right situation. How does this help the Mavs?
If the Mavericks can offer Dwight a max deal, they could then turn their attention to a sign and trade deal for CP3. There are still a lot of pieces that need to fall into place for all of this to happen. However, one thing is for sure. The Dallas Mavericks odds just got moved a little more in their favor. June 30th can’t come soon enough.

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