The shot heard ’round the world. A moment that will live on in Mavs history, perhaps even NBA history, forever. What an unforgettable moment it was.
Luka Doncic’s 27-foot step back three pointer to win game four of the Mavericks first round series with the Clippers at the buzzer. Series is tied 2-2. Game on.
— SportsCenter (@SportsCenter) August 23, 2020
Personally, I screamed the loudest I have at a sports moment in years, along with several loud claps, a “LET’S GO!” and then a smile that would not leave my face for a long time. This was definitely a common occurrence in living rooms across America as the seemingly the whole world was zoned in on the end of this Mavs/Clippers game. Here are some of the best reactions on Twitter to the shot.
NBA players react to Luka Doncic game winner.
— Luka Dončić News (@LukaDoncicNews) August 23, 2020
Magic!! @luka7doncic
— Willie Trill Cauley-Stein (@THEwillieCS15) August 24, 2020
Put on for the city then! @luka7doncic 🏁
— Jamal Adams (@Prez) August 23, 2020
Well that was a shot. What a cool feeling that must be 😩
— chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) August 23, 2020
me, the singer of Halleluka, when Halleluka plays
— Isaac K. Lee (@IsaacKLee) August 23, 2020
OMG!!! @luka7doncic
— Dez Bryant (@DezBryant) August 23, 2020
Don’t try to compare him to others. He is blazing his own path. @luka7doncic
— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) August 24, 2020
Hopefully the first of many more moments like this for Luka Doncic during his career. What a day it was. One that Mavericks fans will surely never forget.

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